

Aids Activism in Western Europe

Nikolaos Papadogiannis, Rachel E. Love, Terry Anderson
(St Andrews 2022)

Download comic (pdf, 12.6 MB)

Trajectories: Issue 1 - cover; people in a demonstration

Wege des Aids-Aktivismus in Westeuropa

Nikolaos Papadogiannis, Rachel E. Love, Terry Anderson
(St Andrews 2022)

Comic Herunterladen (pdf, 13.5 MB)

Comic book cover, with illustration of marchers; German language version.


Anatole France once said “history is not a science, it is an art. You don’t succeed without imagination.” Here is where the science of history meets the imagination of art. It is an excellent attempt to capture an aspect of the recent past in a different way. It is another way to learn, to get closer to the facts, to know the past in order to understand the present and shape the future. Papadogiannis, Love and Anderson faithfully depict the events and show us how individuals and collectives shape the social process and influence the course of history. Here the history of aids is written from the ground up and this history becomes accessible and understandable through the art of comics. But mostly what this project achieves is telling a scary story without scaring but inspiring. Congratulations.
Panagiotis Damaskos, Health Sociologists, National Public Health Organization, Greece


“Trajectories: AIDS Activism in Western Europe” is an excellent piece of social history and cultural analysis presented in a dynamic, creative way that makes our shared histories accessible to those who may not know how much there is to learn from the past. In their overview of AIDS activism in a range of Western European countries the researchers demonstrate the inter-connections between countries and the ways in which effective activism made change happen. Kudos to the team for a very well researched, joyful drawn, overview of our proud queer heritage. Very highly recommended to researchers and activists alike.
Robin Gorna, 
Vice Chair of the Technical Review Panel (TRP) for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria