Oral history database
Interview with Beppe Ramina
Interview with Corinna Rinaldi
Interview with Diego Scudiero
Interview with Enzo Cucco
Interview with Filippo Von Schloesser
Interview with Franco Grillini
Interview with Ingo Michels
Interview with Marinella Zetti
Interview with Massimo Cernuschi
Interview with Panagiotis Damaskos
Παναγιώτης Δαμάσκος: Την δεκαετία του ’80 ήμουνα σε μια ηλικία που καταλάβαινα πράγματα, παρόλα αυτά δεν είχα κάποια εμπλοκή στα θέματα [του aids], εκτός από ακούσματα, ενώ από την πλευρά μου υπήρχε μια άρνηση για όλα αυτά τα θέματα για…
Interview with Pia Covre
Interview with Pieke Biermann
Nikos: What are your more important moments in your participation in Hydra and the sex workers’ rights movement, please? Pieke: We will need an hour to discuss all these moments! In the beginning, when Hydra was founded, I was vehemently…
Interview with Robin Gorna
Interview with Rosaria Iardino
Rosaria Iardino has been HIV-positive and involved in HIV/AIDS and healthcare activism since the mid-1980s. She founded the activist group “Coordinamento Lesbiche/AIDS,” has previously served as president of the Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli in Rome, president of the…
Interview with Tony Whitehead
NP: Please allow me to begin with some more general questions. Please provide some information about yourself, including where you were born, where you grew up, your education, and your occupation. When exactly were you born? TW: I was born…
Interview with Will Nutland
Read about the methodological approach of the editors of the oral history database to the interview transcripts.